The Disco DAD321 Dicing saw is an easy to use automatic/semi-automatic dicing saw capable of cutting wafers as large as 6 inches in diameter. While most NCF users are accustomed to the Micro-Automation Model 1006 dicing saw, the principles of operation of the Disco model are fortunately very similar. After passing the NCF safety exam, users can request training on this machine by sending an email to Those not trained can request an NCF work service order by contacting the lab manager.

Location: ERF 3024, packaging bay

Training: 3 sessions (2 trainings and a checkout session)

Technical Specifications

  • Max wafer size: 6 inches
  • Wafer type: all shapes and sizes
  • Max wafer thickness: 2mm
  • Blade type User specific blades can be installed too, but they must be provided by the user.
  • Max Blade Speed: 30,000 rpm
  • Max Feed speed: 2mm/sec
  • Tape thickness: 70 μm


One time reservation cost: $5 / reservation

Per hour usage cost:

Internal User: $48/hr
External Academic User: $48/hr
External (Industrial or Foreign): $76.8/hr

User Manual:

The user manual for disco dicing saw can be found here.