The Harrick Expanded Plasma Cleaner with PlasmaFlo Gas Flow Mixer is used for nanoscale surface cleaning and surface activation using plasma. It allows for the use of atmospheric air, N2, O2, or a mixture at near-ambient temperature, minimizing the risk of thermal damage.

Location: Cleanroom, Wet Bay II

Trainings: 3 sessions (2 Trainings and a Checkout Session)

Technical Specifications:

  • Maximum of 30 W
  • Adjustable RF power (low, medium, and high)
  • 6" diameter x 6.5" length Pyrex chamber
  • Maximum flowrate of 50mL/min (for atmospheric air at 0 psig)


One time Reservation Cost: $5

Per Hour Cost:
$10 Internal User
$16 External User

Cleanroom Usage: $34/hr for internal and non-profit, $50/hr for external users

User Manual:

The user manual can be found here.