The RTP-600S, manufactured by Modular Process Technology Corp, is a rapid thermal processing system which uses high-intensity visible radiation to heat a single wafer for a short time at precisely controlled temperatures. Those capabilities, combined with the heating chamber's cold-wall design and superior heating uniformity, provide significant advantages over conventional furnace processing. The integrated process control system features real-time graphics, recipe management, data acquisition and display and has a comprehensive diagnostic function.
The RTP-600S System features a closed loop temperature control algorithim with a temperature control stability of from +/-2℃ from set point. This feature greatly simplifies programming complex multi-step cycles. The Lamp Calibration feature allows user-optimization of heating uniformity. Software diagnostics are provided to monitor each lamp and compensate for lamp aging effects.
The temperature measurement techniques available for the RTP-600S system are thermocouple and pyrometer. The type K thermocouple is useful for low-temperature processing and calibrating the pyrometer. The Extended Range Pyrometer Plus (ERP+) pyrometer can be used to measure wafer temperatures in the range of 350-1250℃.
Location: ERF 3024, packaging bay
Training: 3 sessions (2 trainings and a checkout session)
System specifications:
- Stead-State Temperature Stability: ±2℃
- Heating Rate: 0~200℃ per second, user-controllable
- Cooling Rate: Temperature dependent, max. 150℃ per second
- Maximum Non-Uniformity:
- Radiant Flux: ±0.25%
- Sheet Resistivity: Uniformity≤2%
- Implant: As, 1016, 50KeV, with implant uniformity ≤0.3%
- Steady State Time: 1-9999 sec. (1-600 sec recommended)
- Wafer Sizes for the RTP-600S: 2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6” and smaller pieces
One time reservation cost: $5 / reservation
Per hour usage cost:
$110 Internal User
$176 External User
User Manual:
The user manual can be found here.