Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a weight change analysis system. The Thermogravimetric Analyzer measures the amount and rate of weight change in a material, either as a function of increasing temperature, or isothermally as a function of time, in a controlled atmosphere. It can be used to characterize any material that exhibits a weight change and to detect phase changes due to decomposition, oxidation, or dehydration.
Location: ERF 3024, characterization bay
Training: 3 sessions (2 trainings and a checkout session)
System specifications:
- Temperature Range: Ambient to 1000 °C
- Mass sensitivity: 0.1μg
- Accuracy: 0.1 % or 10 μg
- Sample size: < 1 g
- Heating rate: 0.1 to 100 °C/min
- Auto sampler
- Sample pans: Platinum, high Temp. platinum, Ceramic (under 600C should place your sample in a DSC pan and then place it in the platinum pan)
- Controlled Atmosphere: Nitrogen, (Ar, O2 can be requested if needed)
- Users can purchase the consumable aluminum sample pan/lid (for measurements below 600 °C) from NCF website. Super users can purchase the batches of 100 pan/lid from “DSC consumables” or “TA instruments”.
Safety notes:
- Never Open the furnace when the temperature is higher than 40 °C, it can cause serious damage to the furnace and balance.
- Never try to load/unload your pan manually on the hang down wire.
- Furnace should be kept close at all times(before loading your pan into auto sampler and after unloading it)
One time Reservation Cost: $5 for a 4 hour reservation
Per Hour Cost:
$20 Internal User
$32 External User
User Manual:
The user manual can be found here.